「It isn’t the hot money looking for a quick flip but the bolt-hole money
that fears confiscation and is looking for a haven.」
FT Sep 13, 2012 http://goo.gl/fJD6W
flip 素早く動くこと→ quick flip 短期的な取引
bolt-hole ボルトの穴→隠れ場所
confiscation 没収
haven 安全な場所、避難所
extraneous factor 背景因子
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People who arrive after the start of the performance will have to wait until the intermission to be seated.
This new biodegradable textile offers warmth, good moisture absorption, ventilation and anti-bacterial properties.
fish farming 魚の養殖
lemon「不良品」特に欠陥車を指す They sold me a lemon. 欠陥車を売りつけられた。
Style Over Substance
(also known as: argument by slogan [form of], cliché thinking - or thought-terminating cliché, argument by rhyme [form of], argument by poetic language [form of]) Description: When the arguer embellishes the argument with compelling language or rhetoric, and/or visual aesthetics. “If it sounds or looks good, it must be right!” Logical Form: Person 1 makes claim Y. Claim Y sounds catchy. Therefore, claim Y is true.
1. Definition (expr.) to think looks are more important than content Examples The president’s speech was style over substance. He didn’t make very good points, but it sounded good.